Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Damn Shame

While sitting at my desk during my lunch break, I like to take time to read the news and find out about what's happening in the world. Yet again, I was appalled when I came across an article about Henry Louis Gates being arrested.

If you're not familiar with Mr. Gates, he's a leading African American writer and scholar who works at Harvard. He was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct at his home in Cambridge, MA after accusing a police officer of being "racially biased". The arrest was sparked by a woman who reported seeing "two black males with bookbags on the porch". Two men with bookbags, hmm, is that really so odd for a college town? Who could really think that was suspicious behavior? Come on now.

Maybe it's just me but I find it quite ironic that someone who's written numerous books on race relations as it relates to African Americans and how we've shaped this country was racially profiled while entering his own home.

Thankfully, the charges were dropped today but this is yet another sad day in America.

To read the full story, click here


  1. I read the story too. It is a shame.

  2. Thats super racist..bump that

  3. Wow. Thats madness.
    People are racially profiled every second of the day.

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